E-learning modules in Xerte
Here you will find the answer to frequently asked questions about Xerte.
Is your question not listed? Send an e-mail with your question to CPIO.
Where can I find the links?
These can be found in BlakcBoard under Course Content. Where exactly differs per course. You can also find an overview of all modules here (in Dutch).
Do I need to login to Xerte?
You do not have to log in to Xerte. Your teacher can give you direct access to the e-learning with a link.
Will my results be saved in Xerte?
Yes, but anonymously. Because you do not have to log in, all stored data is anonymous and cannot be traced back to a person.
A teacher can track the activity of the users in a Xerte module. For example, a teacher can see how often a module is used and which answers are given to questions.
This application was taken into use in September 2023, and the UU Learning Analytics Team is conducting a survey among all users, with the following statement:
Dear student,
In academic year 2023 - 2024, a new educational tool has been implemented that can help e-module developers to further optimize the e-modules. We would like to measure the effect of this educational tool on student satisfaction with regard to the e-modules. Cordial greetings, Team learning analytics |